Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Zamazaan crew,

Hers is our Master Sailing Schedule for 2008 (special thanks to Evan for putting together a great season)
Note that we have added a fun event, the KFOG KaBoom. We may also add some fun events like a Paradise cove BBQ, or whatever others want.

Let us know how we can make events work for you to join us, car pools / logistical needs, etc. We know this schedule is aggressive and it’s hard for everyone to be there every time, but we also need 15 "in sync" people to be competitive on the short course buoy races. Additionally, we need / would like to do the Short Course Buoy races with the same team that will be there for Big Boat.

Regarding Big Boat,
We need an adaptable team of people that work well together and know what to do from instinct and experience with little discussion. By adaptable, I mean one can see what's happening / or going to happen, and pro-actively acts / reacts to do what's needed to keep the boat racing as safe and fast as possible. A lot of the adaptability and instinct comes from repetition, especially, but not exclusively with the same crew.

Big Boat costs Chuck Big $$$ to enter, and Chuck will ultimately decide who makes the 15 person crew that will give him the best chance at making a good showing. The more you participate and "sync." with the others on the crew, the more likely you'll make the cut.

Looking forward to having you onboard!

Greetings Zamazaan racers!
I hope you all enjoyed spending your weekend competing in the CYC Midwinters. It was a beautiful couple of days to be out there, IMO.  Despite the lack of wind on Saturday there was still enough to race.  
I didn't hear, but I hope that you didn't get tangled up or damaged in the crowded mark rounding that afternoon.  
As for Sunday... congratulations on placing first in your division!
I'm posting a couple photos here for your enjoyment.  I'll look forward to seeing you all out there again!