Saturday, October 20, 2007


The 2007 GREAT PUMPKIN race is just around the corner; If any of you currently not signed up for the Great Pumpkin, or have a change in plans and can make it, by all means do. A good time is to be had by all!

SATURDAY RACING: One Design classes will be run on three courses in the Southampton Olympic Circle and Slot Areas. Each course will have separate start and finish lines. The first race, on each course, will start at 11:30 AM.

SUNDAY PURSUIT RACE: Will be around Angel Island and Alcatraz. The slowest Rated boat (handicap 264) will start at 12:00 noon.
On shore events:


1600 Free Beer, Secret Agent Bar.

1730 Moroccan Dinner $10.00

1800 Belly dancer and Mama Pacho Band

1900 Costume Contest Best: Bond, Bond Girl,

Villain’s and other disguise.


0830 Eggs, Sausage, Fruit, Croissant, Juice, Fizzes $2.00 and Coffee $5.00.

1200 Pursuit race, trivia, find the gold pumpkin

We are looking to fill in some gaps, so again by all means if you can make it please advise me ASAP.

Weather forecast for tonight: Dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.



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